Categories: NGO

Visit to Heaven-Vadodara Jalaram Old Age Home

15th of sept

15 Rotaractors from Vadodara  rotaract Club visited Jalaram Old Age Home, near nizampura vadodara. Kush Vyas,president of club gave more information about this.



Visiting The Jalaram Oldage Home is our Longterm Project which the Club undertakes every year. This Oldage home is managed by the Premdas Jalaram Hospital. These young rotaractors spent quality time with old people by showing them 3 idiot movie,The club members also greeted all of them with roses,they also interacted with them.

After movie screening refreshments were served by club members which included tea,khaman and other gujarti food items.At the end they got smile and blessings in return which are always priceless gifts.Old age people asked these club members to visit them again.


Saumil Joshi

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