
Vadodara’s tiffin services: An exhibit of the human spirit amidst the darkest of times

News of neighbors, close friends, and relatives testing positive for COVID has completely taken over our daily conversations. One essential commodity that is necessary, whatsoever the patient’s condition, is food. At a grim time like this, when relatives and friends cannot help, tiffin services have peaked their sales.

The demand has shifted, and so has the supply. The pandemic has caused many businesses to take a massive hit. Hence, many business owners have decided to take respite in the tiffin service to make ends meet. Gayatri Shrisath, a home-maker from Ajwa, decided to kickstart a tiffin service 15 days ago after the sales at her beauty parlor went downhill due to COVID. She already caters to nine homes.

In an interesting turn of events, the tiffin service has become a completely family-run business. Right from cooking to delivery, every aspect is undertaken by the family members themselves. When offices lie empty and the shops stand shut, Vadodarians have stood up to their repute of being entrepreneurs and made employees out of family members and offices out of home spaces.

The economic headway is certainly a motivation, but Suchita Shimpi, a tiffin-provider from Manjalpur, believes that the warmth she receives after providing piping hot food to patients precedes the economic gains made by the process. While referring to an incident, she said, “An elderly couple, both COVID patients, haven’t seen me even once as I deliver at the doorsteps and leave. Yet, both of them make sure to compliment me on the timely service by calling me later.” She added that the mammoth task of delivering food on time every day all over Vadodara comes with its own set of challenges and difficulties.

With many people jumping on the bandwagon, it has not been easy to shrug off competition in the field. Hence, people in Vadodara have started coming up with innovative methods. Sweta Parekh, one such entrepreneur, came up with the idea of providing healthy food to COVID patients. On how she determines the menu for the day, she said, “We make sure that the menu coincides with the dietary guidelines of health officials.” She added that they provide healthy alternatives that are in demand, such as protein-rich pulses. 

Although the spike has come, it has not been easy for tiffin providers to match the demand while taking all the safety precautions. Tiffin providers, while providing food, run the risk of becoming super-spreaders as well. Rasika Dhawan, a tiffin-provider to 35 homes, said, “We make sure that we do not come in any contact with the COVID patients. For this, we deliver food at the gate, accept only digital payments, and make sure that we always have a sanitizer and a mask handy.” Furthermore, the food is delivered in disposable plastic containers and aluminum foils to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

The provision of tiffin services is one of the very few sectors that has received a rise in demand during COVID. Home-makers and people who have lost businesses have surely found some solace in this business line. It is commendable how the human spirit refuses to die and finds ways to earn its bread.

Written By:
Shlok Talati

Tanisha Choudhary

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