On Friday morning, a sudden fire broke out inside a Maruti van at Karelibaug Amit Nagar, narrowly avoiding the driver and a laborer. The fire department responded quickly and smothered the flames with a steady stream of water. It was only a matter of time, as both occupants escaped in time, saving their lives.
Mahendra Prajapati, is in the construction business, according to the available information. He was transporting work-men and construction-related equipment from his Sama-Savli Road site to another site at Amit Nagar circle on Friday morning. Meanwhile, on the route to the airport from Amitnagar circle, the van unexpectedly blew up, and Mahendra and his helper were able to get out just in time.
Mahendrabhai Prajapati, who was driving the van, stated he was returning from the Sama-Savli route with a laborer when he smelled something burning coming from the vehicle’s bonnet. He and the laborer immediately exited the van, which began to fire. For them, a few seconds’ delays could be fatal. The van was old and had ten liters of petrol.
Written by:
Shristi Chatterjee
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