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World Sparrow Day: Distribution of sparrow nests at MSU Zoology today

The World Sparrow Day on 20th March 2019 highlights the importance of conservation of house sparrows and their importance in the food chain.

Aliasgar Vohra, research scholar at Zoology department and sparrow activist helped increase awareness of sparrows as his team distributed 300 earthen nests, 200 cardboard nests, 300water bowls, 200 earthen grain feeders and 50 mulberry saplings. Students from the Zoology department helped with this initiative and the event was inaugurated by Dean Faculty of Science Prof. Haribhai Katariya.

Students created awareness about sparrow food and sparrow nesting trees like mulberry, guava, pomegranates, boar, and bougainvillea.

Vohra is also trying to create awareness about the diet of the sparrows as he remarked that people feed them oily sec, gathiya and mummra instead of natural grains like Bajri, Kanki(broken rice) and Wheat dailya.

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